If the vehicle is transferred as a gift, indicate this on the bill of sale and indicate that the purchase price is '$0.' You must also indicate the vehicle is a gift on a Statement of Transaction (pdf) (at NY State Department of Tax and Finance) (DTF-802). A bill of sale is not an acceptable proof of ownership without other proofs. The new owner must give the original bill of sale to the DMV with the other required proofs of ownership. The buyer and seller can make photocopies of the bill of sale to keep in their records.

Proof of ownership normally includes a bill of sale (in addition to a 'Retail Certificate of Sale' (MV-50) if purchased from a dealer, or a 'Certificate of Title' (MV-999) for private sales). Without it you can have difficulties when you go to register the vehicle, get a title certificate or transferable registration in your name.

Before you purchase a vehicle, a trailer, a boat, a snowmobile or an ATV, make sure that you can receive acceptable proof of ownership.